
The DEEP ACTS project line on art therapy, starting from a basic study, aims to develop methodological guidelines, a Curriculum for laboratory activities aimed at victims of violence and a Curriculum for workshops for operators that will be tested and disseminated through specific training activities.

The main objectives are to:

  • systemise and disseminate specific tools and methods for therapeutic interventions aimed at victims of violence based on Artetherapy;
  • increase the capacities of professionals and organisations working with these groups in the use of tools and methods implemented;
  • strengthen cooperation between professionals and organisations.
The survey focuses on best practices and methodologies used in other contexts by cross referencing these experiences with the specific reference literature and previous experience of the partners.

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The main objective of the Curriculum is to constitute a reference path for those who intend to use Emotional Education in interventions in support of victims of gender-based violence.

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The main objective of the Linee Guida is to provide a reference path for those who intend to use Emotional Education in interventions in support of victims of gender-based violence.

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The curriculum represents a training plan for operators who intend to adopt DEEP ACTS tools and methods of Emotional Education in their practice of supporting victims of violence. It is a list of the activities to be undertaken to structure, organize and design the training addressed to them, including the definition of learning objectives, content, methods and teaching materials.
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Art therapy training activities

The project included a first internal workshop aimed at the operators of the partnership with the function of discussing the potential of Emotional Education and good reference practices in view of the elaboration of DEEP ACTS methodological outputs, the first version of which will be tested in a special pilot course aimed at victims of violence. Pilot course for victims of violence.

A second internal Workshop aimed at the operators of the partnership will serve to reflect on the application of the methodologies in the Pilot Course with a view to the release of the final version.

A Workshop for organisations and operators from Italy, Portugal and Spain will have the function of disseminating DEEP ACTS products and results.

Bologna (I), Biblioteca Salaborsa.

The objectives of the training activity were to take stock of the art therapy tool for the realization of tools and methodologies useful in interventions in favor of victims of violence.
The workshop has developed a strategic synergy with the Outsider Art – Irregular Art Festival organised annually by one of the partners, the New Nobel Committee for the Disabled, and now in 2020 in its fifth edition.
The first day of the D3.2 workshop was in fact held within the festival and within its program through an online webinar.

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Turin (I), Galleria Gliacrobati.

Objective: to reflect on the application of the methodologies in the Pilot Course in view of the release of their final version

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Activities to structure photo-art therapy interventions in a group of patients who are victims of abuse and violence.

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Workshop for organisations and operators

Turin (I)
May 2022

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