The Project
DEEP ACTS (Developing Emotional Education Pathways and Art Centered Therapy Services against gender violence), is a project funded by the European program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” articulated in the two-year period 2020-2022 in Italy, Portugal and Spain with meetings, workshops, conferences, shows, videos, exhibitions and events.
The main objective is to offer innovative methods and specific working tools, which involve the use of Art therapy and Emotional Education, to professionals and organisations that work in the prevention of gender-based violence.
DEEP ACTS is managed by a transnational partnership consisting of:
Fermata d’Autobus (leader based in Turin), an Italian association that has as its field of intervention the double diagnosis – psychotic disorders associated with pathological addiction – and in its care circuit a therapeutic community, “Heavenly Strawberries”, for women victims of abuse, violence and mistreatment with the use of art therapy: www.fermatadautobus.net;
RUMBOS Cooperative (Mairena del Aljarafe, Spain), specialising in Emotional Education: www.rumbos.org;
Nuovo Comitato il Nobel per I Disabili (Gubbio, Italy), founded by Franca Rame and Dario Fo: www.comitatonobeldisabili.it;
Portuguese Theatre Company ASTA (Covilhã, Portugal): www.aasta.info;
Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi (Loreto, Italy): www.nuovilinguaggi.net.
In addition to these, the following associations collaborate on the project:
ASEDEM – Spanish Association of Emotional Education (E): www.asociacionasedem.org;
AIM – Association of Intercultural Mediators (RO):www.aimromania.eu.
The aim of the project is to offer innovative methods and specific working tools, which involve the use of art therapy and Emotional Education, to professionals and organisations that work in the prevention of gender-based violence.
The main expected results are the protection and support of at-risk groups with services that meet their specific needs and with a greater capacity of the parties and professionals concerned to address and act, also through multidisciplinary enhanced cooperation and prevention through extensive awareness-raising activity.
In particular there are research, training and production activities of curricula and guidelines aimed at establishing reference tools and methodologies useful for organisations and professionals who intend to use Emotional Education and art therapy in their interventions in favour of victims of violence in Europe.
In parallel with the activities described, further lines of action are planned with awareness-raising, networking and dissemination actions that include European tours of a specific play, a docufilm, exhibitions and Outsider Art Festivals, twinning with other European projects, conferences and much more.